We own it.

Proprietary software allows for modification and customization.

Custom. Owned. Built. Created. Each of these words can describe a VTR FlightDeckToGoTM product. We build each of our proprietary flight decks from the ground up. We own the rights, the features, and the specifications. We can make updates large and small. We can change things quickly – or slowly.

But why does this matter? Because if we own it, airline training departments own it. We aren’t beholden to opaque licensing agreements. We aren’t forced to absorb unforeseen costs. We invested in the beginning, so we don’t have surprises in the future. And that means training organizations have stability. They have a product they know will remain. They have a product that has manageable future expenses.

Predictability is key, but so is customization. As an added benefit, we can easily customize our flight decks. Need to move a switch? No problem. Change a panel? No problem.

We know the standard fleet ideal stops at the purchase of the second aircraft. So let us help customize the needs. Because when we own it, our customers own it.

Learn more about FlightDeckToGo

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We own it.
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